EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 05 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-03][Skylink CD IV].iso
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Text File
219 lines
_____. __________. __________. __ _____
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1oo Percent CNet Anscii Design
Textract v1.o by dRm!
- -- 1. Short Description ]----.
- -- --- --------------------------'
Program: Textract v1.o
Function: Extracts/adds File_ID.diz from/to Textfiles
Decent replacement for TxtExtract, no trashing of
Textfiles when adding Diz!
Author: Dreamer/Abyss/1oo%
Releasedate: Fri 02-Feb-1996 00:00
- -- 2. Copyright and Disclaimer ]----.
- -- --- ---------------------------------'
This package is freely distributable. That means: you are allowed to re-
distribute this package, as long as you respect these regulations:
a. Everything in this package is regarded as freeware, which means
that the author holds full copyright, but its free to use for
you. But please: 'free' does NOT include any support in any way,
though I will try to help, provided I got enough spare time...
b. This package may be freely distributed via BBSs, InterNet/UseNet,
software libraries such as Fred Fish's and Aminet CD-ROM, and
other similar electronic channels. Only the complete package
without modifications may be redistributed.
c. It IS allowed to include the contents of this package to related
software like BBS-packages (even if they are commercial) or
"Dizzers", provided that the program comes together with this
documentation without any modifications, and sending me a short
note about it (see end of this doc for e-mail addresses).
By using this product, you accept that the author can NOT be held liable
for any damage or loss that might occur through its use or the inability to
use it. The developer(s) of the software can NOT be held responsible. Use
entirely at your own risk.
(Dunno why I have to write such a monster disclaimer... =)
- -- 3. Introduction ]----.
- -- --- ---------------------'
I suppose you know which purpose this program fulfils. I rather want to
tell you something about the motivation of writing a replacement for a
program which already exists and is used for quite a long time, namely
TXTextract by Spy/Mystic/XDesign. This program does its job quite well,
until the following occurs: you want to add a changed (or new) File_ID.diz
to a textfile which already contains a description. In most of the cases
the file gets totally trashed. And as it seems the author of TXTextract
will never fix that bug, I wrote this small replacement (in C code), which
is 1oo% compatible regarding the supported functions ('a', 'e', and 'f').
- -- 4.1. Installation ]----.
- -- --- -----------------------'
Just replace your old TxtExtract (sometimes called TxtDescript, too), with
Textract (by renaming or changing your configurations. I suppose first. =)
- -- 4.2. Usage ]----.
- -- --- ----------------'
USAGE : Textract [options] e <diztination> <source>
for extracting a file-description
Textract [options] f <source> <destination> <description>
to add a new filedescription from a file
Textract [options] a <description> <source/destination>
to add a new filedescription from a file
*NEW* Textract [options] d <source> <destination>
to delete a filedescription in a file
*NEW* Textract [options] k <source/destination>
to kill a filedescription in a file
Remark: The command 'p' for writing a description directly from stdin is
not supported, as we think there is no need for it anymore (btw:
the textfile gets trashed by TxtExtract anyway, if a diz is already
present). If you are in desperate need of it, mail me, and we'll
Options: -xxx = With this option it is possible to set the buffer in KB
used while extracting or adding. Valid values range from 16
to 1024 (1 MB Buffer). The value will be rounded up to the
next multiply of 16. Default value is 128KB. I think you
only have to set this to a lower value if you are really
low on memory.
Additionally, if the length of the file is lower than the
buffer, only the needed buffers will be allocated.
(Example: Buffer at 128K (default), Filelength 48K,
=> allocated buffer: 64K)
-c = Strips <CR>'s from descriptions, useful for PC-Textfiles.
- -- 4.3 Known Bugs and strange behavior ]----.
- -- --- -----------------------------------------'
There are no known bugs at the moment.
Yet using the f, a, d or k command with a TxtExtract-trashed textfile can
cause serious trouble (or textfiles with a stand-alone @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ
somewhere in the textfile in general).
The following happens: if a textfile gets corrupted by TxtExtract, not
only parts of the file vanish in NIL:, but it also leaves a stray
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ somewhere in the file. If you now try to add a
File_ID.diz to such a file, the DeleteDiz-Subroutine will be called to
remove the OLD File_ID.diz first. This searches the text for the @BEGIN..
marker, then deleting everything until the @END.. marker is found. Now
imagine what happens to a textfile with a @BEGIN.. somewhere and NO
correspondig @END. Right, everything from the @BEGIN.. on will be
deleted. Just test it with a copy of this text: Try to delete the FileID.
You will see that the text suddenly ends in the middle of this paragraph.
(Most likly it will end with "textfiles with a stand-alone "[EOF] =)
Again: This behavior looks strange, but it is NO bug! Blame TxtExtract
instead. =)
Btw: Strange crashes occured with the statram.device (e.g. sd0:). Use
RAM: instead.
- -- 5. History ]----.
- -- --- ----------------'
V1.o - Initial release.
- -- 6. Escpecially reserved space... ]----.
- -- --- --------------------------------------'
... for MXLPRX, who found most of the bugs during development, and who
want to especially appear in this doc. So here u are! =)
... and for Neurodancer, who didn't find any bugs, but gave some good
suggestions (The -c option was his idea). And for proof-reading this
doc, of course!
Thanx mates!
- -- 7. How to get in touch ]----.
- -- --- ----------------------------'
For suggestions, bugreports and smalltalk drop a mail to
Fido: 2:2480/520.3
Warp: 137:15/301.1
Coco: 99:107/1.3
For anything regarding 1oo%, mail:
Fido: 2:2480/520
Warp: 137:15/301
Coco: 99:107/1
- -- 8. 1oo% Member/Distribution Sites ]----.
- -- --- ---------------------------------------'
GER: The Ambush, +49-8621-64260, 24h, USR 33.6
GER: Digital Dungeons, +49-6192-910718, 24h, USR 33.6
GER: Cafe del Mar, +49-6220-private, 24h, USR 33.6
GER: Confusion, +49-341-private
USA: Ill Communication, +1-310-329-2283 & 2591, 24h, USR 33.6
WWW: http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~mics/100.html